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Dual-Channel Underwater Mapping LiDAR

Underwater mapping LiDAR system for airborne and shipborne use

MD-01 is a dual-band dual-channel underwater mapping LiDAR system for airborne and shipborne use. It provides two different wavelengths (green light and infrared (IR)) LiDAR channels that can acquire complementary scanning data, thereby providing two independent point cloud distribution maps with reflectivity. With the specific green laser wavelength channel, underwater targets can be measured, achieving partial hydrographic measurement capabilities.

Key Specifications

Green Wavelength:


Red Wavelength:


Beam Full Divergence:

Green Wavelength: 0.7mrad

Red Wavelength: 0.18mard/0.25mard

Water-depth Measurement:

>1.5 Secchi DiskAirborne altitude50m

Measuring Range:


Range Accuracy:


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