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256 Channels Hybrid Solid-State LiDAR

Excellent Performance in Vibration Resistance, Shock Resistance, and Point Cloud Processing

Continuous Operation in High-Vibration & High-Impact Environments

CH256X1 LiDAR has significantly improved in vibration resistance, shock resistance and point cloud processing, ensuring high stability and reliability in a compact design.

ch256x1 256 channels hybrid solid state lidar
ch256x1 256 channels hybrid solid state lidar

CH256X1 Hybrid Solid-State LiDAR





Dimensions (L*W*H)


*For more information, please contact us.

Market application

ch16x1 hybrid solid state lidar

Consumer Vehicles

c1 mechanical lidar


cx128s2 hybrid solid state lidar

Heavy Machinery

cx128s2 hybrid solid state lidar


cx128s2 hybrid solid state lidar

Rail Transit

ch16x1 hybrid solid state lidar

Robotaxis, Shuttles & Delivery

ch16x1 hybrid solid state lidar

Sidewalk Delivery

ch16x1 hybrid solid state lidar


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